Thursday 17 December 2015

Now that I have completed my research stage of my project, I feel it important to reflect on what conventions of my products I have established in response to feedback and evidence, gained from both customer and existing product research. It is important that I reflect on conventions established all the way through my project, so that I can ensure that all of my conventions are indeed attractive and appealing towards my target audience, leading to further success of my product.
Based on evidence from my questionnaire, of which I handed out to a range of age groups in differing settings, I have been able to confirm some of the conventions that will appeal to my target audience, and that I will strongly apply to my products with the aim to improve its success.
From my questionnaire, I was able to identify that my target audience will be between an age group of 15-18 years old, and female. I feel this is quite a positive target audience to produce for, as due to the fact that i am a female of that age group, I feel I have a better grasp of what kind of things will be appealing toward that target audience, thus ensuring that all appealing conventions are included, leading hopefully to further success of my product.
Also with reference, to my questionnaire results I have established the genre of which will be applied to my music video, advertisement and CD album cover. This genre is Indie-pop/Pop. I established this as the majority of my target audience rated this genre as their preference, thus by applying this genre I can ensure that my target audience will be attracted to my products. It is important that this genre stays constant throughout the entire project, and is not confused with other genres, of which may be less appealing. To ensure that I achieve this, it is important that the msie-en-cence costume and make-up code, props, iconography and conventions of the video itself, are all representative of the pop and indie nature. This is why I will have to closely examine current pop music videos on the market, that are already successful products to ensure that my product follows similar conventions and applications.
I have had to ensure that the models I use in all my products are also presenting an image associated with the genre, of my products, so that the image, of which was highlighted as an important feature of the products, will be appealing to my target audience.
I will use a range of social media, on a range of platforms to publicise and advertise my products as especially due to the age of my target audience, I feel it will be an good way to keep my target audience in the loop and thus lead to further success of my products.
The colour scheme and typography that I use, will too have to be confirmative of my pop/indie pop genre, as the song too will have to be, however i will have to ensure that this genre shown through colour scheme and typography is applied throughout all three of my products to avoid confusion and a range of genres being applied which could potentially deter my target audience. For this reason once I have chosen the typography and colour scheme, although maybe not identical I will aim to keep this flow throughout all my products further emphasising my chosen genre and thus appealing to my target audience.
The average price of my album cover, will be between £6-7.00, and the image on the front will be one of the most important conventions to entice people to buy my album cover. This is so important as if my target audience is attracted to one of my products it will increase the possibility of the rest of my products being successful and to be sold as a set.
By producing this brief/proposal I have given myself a plan of which I can closely refer back to when producing my three products, as a means of ensuring that all the current conventions I have already established can and will be applied leading to the overall success of my products.

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